Sunday, January 28, 2024

The weekend

I started a patchwork sweater with Lion Brand Scarfie, thats got just enough acrylic mixed in that i dont find it annoying (or fuzzies in my nose and throat) and gives great stitch definition.

I also started the cat afghan, you know the one. This is take two. I wanted to do every cat a different color, which im still doing for this, a practice/you've-got-a-ton-of-projects-anyway pillow, but using a box and binder clips is a much better method than clipping the bobbin to the piece. (At least at the beginning. Maybe now that its got more bulk.) But i love it, i love it, and while im sad its going to be a pillow and will be just two repeats tall, maybe ill finish it (!) and then maybe, make a blanket to match.